So we bought mirrors at Big Lots. Yes, you read that correctly - Big Lots! They are beautiful and big and different than what you would find at a hardware store. The lights we purchased at Home Depot. Did I mention this project started about 3 years ago? I didn't? Well, that is important to the story too.
My hubby hung the lights and mirrors and that's where the project stopped. He didn't paint the walls, which were riddled with patch spots. He didn't seem to have any plans on finishing the project. I would nag him here and there. He would tell me that he had more to do and then he would paint. That process took about 2 years.
Fast forward to February of 2014. I went to Dallas for work and had a really late flight. I got home at about 2 a.m. and went into the bathroom to take out my contacts. There were tools everywhere. The light fixtures were hanging off the walls and the mirrors were taken down. I guess having the wife out of the house is enough to light a fire? Who knows! But what I do know is for 7 months my bathroom was torn up. Unrecognizable. Demolished. Not usable. This meant all 5 of us shared the kids bathroom. And I use the word "shared" loosely.
As my son's 3rd birthday was approaching, which meant a party at our house and family staying, I tried to
And here are his finished pictures. The supplies came from Home Depot. He made the shelf for me. The picture frames were from Target, but were cream. He painted them to match the shelf.
Personally (and I might be biased), I think his turned out soooo much better than my Pinterest inspiration! What do you think?
Please enjoy pictures of the entire project below:
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