Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Project Two: Dishwasher

There are a million things to clean in my house. Who knew that cleaning my dishwasher was another chore to add to the list? But when I saw this on Pinterest, I thought what an easy post to fulfill! The pin was from a site called, "One Good Thing By Jillee." A big thanks to Jillee for posting this on her blog!

Here is a picture of my dishwasher. Now, my dishwasher isn't awful. But my dishes could be much cleaner. No matter what detergent I use, my glasses always look foggy.

Here is a close-up shot of my dishwasher. There is a lot white deposits on the different pieces of the dishwasher. And while I was down here, I completed Jillee's first step: Make sure there is no debris around the drain area. Everything was all clear!

The next step is to place a dishwasher safe cup filled with vinegar on the top rack. The vinegar cleans the dishwasher and can remove any smells. To make it sparkle, set your dishwasher to a normal cycle length, but use the hottest cycle possible.

Here is a close-up shot of after the wash cycle. The dishwasher definitely smelled like vinegar and as you can (maybe) see, the bottom looks a lot cleaner.

Time for the next step! Take a cup of baking soda and sprinkle it on the very bottom of the dishwasher. Run another short cycle, still with hot water. This step is supposed to brighten the dishwasher and remove any stains. Honestly, I did not notice a difference after this cycle.

The most important part of this whole process is how the dishes look. Or how they feel... I did NOT like how my dishes felt when I pulled them out of the dishwasher. I really expected this magical transformation and the beautiful, clear glasses like on the commercials. I'd be the happy woman holding a water spot free wine glass. That isn't exactly what happened. My clear glasses were still foggy and they had a weird feel.

In Jillee's defense, her dishwasher was having major issues when she tried this process. I just wanted my dishes a little cleaner and less filmy. The type of water you have could make a difference too. I will not call this a complete fail, but it will be awhile before I try this again. 

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